"Believe it or not, it was a very naked Juana Change! She was literally all-the-way naked..."
Juana Change is the type of character everyone would be delighted to have on one's Facebook friends list, and I for one certainly have her conspicuously displayed on my FB wall. But not until today. Why? I don't know. I really thought, she might have me removed from her list. But from among thousands of her friends, why bother to single me out? Hmm...doesn't sound reasonable at all!
I kept on thinking why she suddenly disappeared from Facebook. Was there any conspiracy to terminate her account on FB? As we all know, Juana Change is known to be the face of change in the Philippines as her stage name suggests. Change that has been the call from every spectrum of the society. She is so famous that her YouTube hits reach probably in hundreds of thousands and counting. Her videos are so funny with a bite. Everyone could easily relate, and if you don't get impacted by them, I don't know what kind of Filipino you are!
I kept on thinking why she suddenly disappeared from Facebook. Was there any conspiracy to terminate her account on FB? As we all know, Juana Change is known to be the face of change in the Philippines as her stage name suggests. Change that has been the call from every spectrum of the society. She is so famous that her YouTube hits reach probably in hundreds of thousands and counting. Her videos are so funny with a bite. Everyone could easily relate, and if you don't get impacted by them, I don't know what kind of Filipino you are!
But wait a minute...just a couple of days ago, Juana Change changed her picture profile. Believe it or not, it was a very naked Juana Change! She was literally all-the-way naked; just concealing something down there. At first, you would think what the hell is she doing? But because it was not meant to arouse you guys, you would probably conclude that it was done in good taste. Some elements of artistry had been applied on that 'gruesome' shot. It was indeed funny and magnetic to see for a profile.
A deluge of comments understandably started to pile on her wall; from slight yet gentle criticisms to flattering and encouraging ones. As friends had raced to submit comments, maybe a few displeased folks could have alerted Facebook people of the presumed breach of decency? I don't know how you call it. And the punishment could be that so quick? I really don't know until now. Probably because of some other reasons? But could the real Juana Change please speak up? Where are you now JC?
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